Poimar Property Group
About Us
After many years in the property industry, the founder of Poimar Property Group, Felicity Walker, decided it was time to think differently about property development. Instead of pushing the limits of what can be developed on a site, Poimar’s goal is to create properties that fit with their local community, while still providing homes people want to live in. Every Poimar property is designed to enhance the neighbourhood.
Our Projects
For every project Poimar Property Group takes on board, hundreds more are discarded. This is because our focus is on finding sites where we can fill a gap in the marketplace, and at the same time add value to the neighbourhood.
We achieve this by thoroughly researching what type of homes are needed in the area. We find ways to achieve that outcome without pushing the boundaries of density. And we love trees. We will always keep exsiting trees on the site if we can.
Our Philosophy and Vision
Change is inevitable – but it doesn’t have to be bad. That’s why we love geodes. On the outside, they look like ugly rocks. But if you take the time and care to open them up, you find a wondrous world within.
And that’s our vision for Poimar Property group. To take sites and develop them in a way that reveals how beneficial change to the site can be for everyone around it.
We want change to be a win-win situation.
Contact Us
Got a question? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer it for you.
PO Box 5616
Studfield VIC 3152